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Interest Groups - Other Areas Being Explored

THERE IS NO LIMIT to the number of topics that are regarded as critical to the global crisis in ecological sustainability. We're contemplating our relationship to the whole Earth, in which everything is interrelated.

Many of the interests and concerns that are brought to Quaker Earthcare Witness by individual members may not be addressed through appointed interest groups, yet they may be nurtured through informal meetings and communications. Sometimes these discussions will find expression in QEW pamphlets or articles in BeFriending Creation or the Quaker Eco-Bulletin.

Sometimes an emerging concern engages enough individuals that the group is formally recognized by QEW. Other appointed interest groups may be laid down if participation wanes through turnover in the makeup of QEW membership.

Some of the recent strong interest areas include the spiritual & practical aspects of:

<Click on Title for Link> Description
Change/Global Warming
An overwhelming majority of the world's professional climatologists now agree that human activities--mainly through the industrialized world's release of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere--are significantly disturbing the earth's climate.
Cosmology/New Story/New Revelations from Science Many Friends have become intensely interested in the implications of the New Universe Story or New Cosmology, as illuminated by recent discoveries in physics and the life sciences in a creatively unfolding universe.
Earth Awareness/Eco-Psychology There is growing scientific evidence that humanity urgently needs to make a course change, to come up with a "Plan B," or to devise some other solution to the global crisis in ecological sustainability.
Eco-Communities/ Permaculture
Supporters are convinced that being part of a supportive community is the key to successfully redirecting our materially addictive lives to a healthier, mutually enchancing relationship with the Earth community.
the Growth Dilemma
There is a need for systemic change in the way industrial societies are organized, without which no amount of legislation, public education, and technological advances can make enough of a difference.
Genetic Modification/ Bio-Engineering/ patenting
of life-forms
Genetic Enineering involves the use of highly sophisticated methods to transfer a selected pieces of genetic code (DNA), but they may have opened what many critics fear is a Pandora's Box of alarming unintended side-effects.
Judeo-Christian Foundations/ Other faith traditions Groups with roots in various branches of Christianity and Judaism, has found, that the essential teaching of the Judeo-Christian tradition is for humans to be responsible trustees of the gift of God's creation.
Peak Oil/Over-reliance
on fossil fuels
The drive for control of petroleum resources is clearly at the root of much deadly conflict today. Global petroleum extraction will peak soon (some experts say as early as 2012); if demand is not restrained, oil prices will soar and wars will continue.
Rapid Population Growth/Overconsumption World Population growth may be "too controversial," given the often acrimonious public debates going on over sex education, contraception, and abortion
Renewable Energy We are attentive to details of our lives that reduce our consumption of energy and other resources.
Sacred Commons Talking about Earth's declining ecosystems,what is often overlooked is the underlying assumption of our industrialized civilization.
Traditional Wisdom The belief is that resources for restoring the earth may be found in the storehouse of Earth wisdom of many traditional cultures.
UN, Earth Charter
& International Agreements
QEW supporters have attended NGO briefings at the UN in New York and have reported on important environmental developments, such as treaties involving intellectual property rights.

Click on the links above to read more about how these interests relate to the vision and witness of QEW, plus relevant articles that QEW supporters and others may submit from
time to time. Contact the QEW office if you want to contact some of the Friends who are involved in these areas.

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Quaker Earthcare Witness | 173-B N. Prospect St. Burlington | Vermont | 05401-1607 |802- 658-0308 | Fax: 413-714-7011