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Interest Groups - Areas Being Explored


Many QEW supporters are convinced that being part of a supportive community is the key to successfully redirecting our materially addictive lives to a healthier, mutually enchancing relationship with the Earth community.

For some this can be a 12-step-type support group or a support committee from their Meeting. Others are called to pioneer a different way of living socially and ecologically that depends less on isolated nuclear families and gives people full access to a wide range of mutually beneficial relationships, which also can promote simpler lives and more ecological behavior.

Several QEW members belong to co-housing communities. Some are involved in more communal, egalitarian intentional communities. Some are learning about permaculture as a basis for living happily in communities as well as sustainably on the land.

More information about these concepts and the Friends who are trying to apply them will be posted here in the future. Please check back later.

QEW adopted the following Minute on Community in 1994:

As Quaker Earthcare Witness works to deepen understanding of our spiritual relationship with the earth, increasingly we recognize the need to nurture and affirm the human and non-human communities of which we are a part.

Our life depends upon and involves many communities. There is the community of living soil, from which we come, and to which we will return. We are part of the living fabric of plants and animals upon the earth. We are also members of our human communities, challenged as never before to reestablish living patterns that are healing to the earth and to the human spirit.

Friends’ experience with inclusive decision-making and our testimonies of simplicity, right sharing, equality, and peace provide a spiritual core from which to contribute to the healing process. We encourage Friends to help reestablish sustainable and regenerative relationships with the earth, relationships which, through our living faith and practice, will embody balance and harmony.

Quaker Earthcare Witness seeks to support and nourish Friends and Friends’ institutions as we develop ways to put this faith into practice in a spirit and life of faithful, loving kindness toward all Creation. We seek ways to uplift and nurture, rather than be overwhelmed with environmental despair. Our witness is a celebration of life and of the power and beauty of the Light within and around us.

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Quaker Earthcare Witness | 173-B N. Prospect St. Burlington | Vermont | 05401-1607 | 802-658-0308 | Fax: 413-714-7011